The mystery smell and your vibration…

“Ooooooh that smell, can’t you smell that smell” – Lynyrd Skynyrd

I just spent about 30 minutes looking for a mystery smell.

I just COULD NOT figure out where the smell was coming from.

It seemed to be here, then there, then over there.

The smell was taunting me!

It just smells like yuck – nothing discernible. So, no help there.

Could it be the bathroom trash, the kitchen trash – threw it all out.

Still smells…grr

Could it be something in the fridge – even though I could smell it when I hadn’t opened the fridge.

I threw out anything questionable from the fridge.

I could STILL smell it.

I run water in the kitchen sink (was something hiding down there??). I got out the baking soda. I cleaned a couple of utensils that were in the sink.

There’s still a smell.

I spray Febreeze all over the downstairs.

I can still smell it. OMG, this smell is going to drive me crazy!

I’m beginning to think I have some kind of phantom smell in my nose. You know like when you feel a bug on you then you keep feeling it even when it’s gone (or never existed).

There really need to be smell detectors.

Near the end of me having my smell fit, I thought “I wish I was this diligent about keeping my vibration up. I wish everyone was this diligent about keeping their vibration up”.

What are you doing to up your vibration today?