When it looks like things aren’t going your way….

What if you could always believe things are working out for you?

I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things and some thing for lunch.

I got my produce. Then I stopped by to get lunch – but the guy behind the counter said it would take another 11 minutes (they were way behind).

My first reaction was not a good one. I’m usually in & out of a store like Speedy Gonzalez.

Then I thought….”what if this is working out for me”

So I meandered around the store. Not in a huff. Not mad. Just curious to see how the Universe was conspiring on my behalf.

I went down aisle I don’t normally go down including the pet aisle. Turn out my favorite litter (the exact version is hard to find in my area) is there and ON SALE!

Then I went back to produce – I found Rainier cherries – which I missed the first time. (BTW, where I live you can only get them for about 1 month each year.)

My lunch was ready, I checked out. Then on the drive home two songs I love but haven’t heard in a long time were played on the radio.

Maybe these seem like small things. But the small things add up.

Doesn’t it make you smile when you hear a song on the radio that you haven’t heard in a long time? Give me an emoji in the comments if it does

What if things are working out for you?